The 3 Basic Money Skills You Need To Know

Kemil Beltre
2 min readJan 3, 2024

Managing money is an ongoing challenge for many, regardless of their financial situation. The delicate balance between spending wisely, saving consistently, and giving generously is a common thread in personal finance.

These three fundamental money skills play a crucial role in achieving financial well-being. In this blog post, we will delve into these skills and examine how they contribute to creating a well-balanced and financially fulfilling life.

Spending — Finding the Balance

Spending money wisely is a skill that requires careful consideration. Whether you naturally lean towards spending or saving, finding a middle ground is crucial for financial peace. Some individuals take comfort in accumulating savings, while others are wired to enjoy spending.

The key is to spend reasonably, ensuring that you can also save and invest for a more secure financial future.

Saving — Building a Foundation for the Future

Saving money can be challenging, especially for those who find it difficult to release the security of accumulated funds. The importance of saving for emergencies, college, retirement, and generational wealth building cannot be overstated.

