The Power of Delayed Gratification

Lessons from the Marshmallow Test

Kemil Beltre
2 min readJan 2, 2024

If you’ve ever wondered what sets the successful apart from the average, the answer may lie in a seemingly simple choice — the ability to delay gratification.

In this blog post, we delve into the famous Marshmallow Test conducted by Stanford professor Walter Mischel in 1970 and explore its profound implications for success in various life domains.

The Marshmallow Test

Mischel’s experiment involved presenting children aged 4–5 with a choice: eat one marshmallow now or wait 15 minutes and receive two marshmallows.

The study followed these children for over 40 years, revealing that those who could delay gratification enjoyed higher grades, better health, and success in various areas of life.

Is Delayed Gratification Innate?

A subsequent study at Rochester University added a twist to the Marshmallow Test, demonstrating that the ability to delay gratification is not necessarily an inborn trait. Children exposed to unreliable experiences were less likely to trust the researcher, leading to impulsive choices.

This suggests that external factors influence our capacity for delayed gratification, providing hope that this skill can be developed.

The Challenge of Delayed Gratification

Our brains are wired for instant gratification, making it challenging to choose long-term benefits over immediate pleasures. The environment, designed for instant pleasure, further compounds this challenge. However, understanding the power of delayed gratification creates an opportunity for personal growth and success.

Strategies for Improving Delayed Gratification

To cultivate the ability to delay gratification, it’s crucial to set conditions and limits. By establishing rules for pleasurable activities, such as watching TV or enjoying treats, individuals can turn these moments into rewards for discipline and hard work.

This self-negotiation, akin to self-parenting, allows for the development of a valuable life skill.

Balancing Instant and Delayed Gratification

Not all activities fall exclusively into delayed or instant gratification categories. Pursuits that offer both, like playing sports with friends for the immediate joy and long-term health benefits, make delayed gratification more achievable. Individuals are encouraged to find activities that provide both instant pleasure and delayed rewards or create their own pairings.

The Journey of Success

Success often involves sacrifices and delayed gratification. While some successful individuals may seem to be enjoying life without apparent delays, their achievements are often the result of past discipline and patience.

Indulging in instant gratification, even after attaining success, can lead to mediocrity over time.


In the pursuit of success, the ability to delay gratification emerges as a critical factor.

Whether you’re starting on the path to success or already enjoying its fruits, the choices made today shape the trajectory of your future.

So, resist the allure of instant pleasures, delay gratification, and take that first step towards a better tomorrow.



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